Design Credits

Chest hall slice: Raffq, CommandLeo and theGlotzerify from the Storage Tech discord

5x5 vault door: Bluentage

Pulse multiplier: SamosTheSage

Stack size sorter: AndrewsTechMC from the Storage Tech discord

Next Steps

Latest map, which includes the vault door and new item input system:

Reshuffling items for the Vault

My suggestion is to move the “precious metals” section to the north (left) wing, as shown.


You would need to clear out 4 “slices” of the beginning of the 3rd section to make way for the 5x5 vault door, but we can do that later. For now, pretend that the first 4 slices don’t exist.


Coal, iron and copper items stay in their old section. Amethyst, diamond, emerald, gold, lapis lazuli and redstone move to the new section.


To make way for those items in the new section, we move all the occupied slots (food items, mob heads) to the middle section, like this:


The result: